The Charity Spotlight will contain a brief description of some of the various charitable organizations that our council supports. The information for our first highlighted charity was provided by Deputy Grand Knight, Tom Boucher.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) is an international organization of Catholic lay dedicated to the help of the needy and the poor. We typically help out with rent, utilities, food, furniture, clothing and prescriptions, but are not limited to these. The funds we use are obtained from donations given by the parishioners, not part of the weekly collections. We are not financially tied to the Church. Our individual “conferences” are usually located in a Church at the invitation of the Pastor. It is not a requirement to be Catholic to obtain help. We assist anyone regardless of their religious or non-religious preferences. Our only stipulation is that the client is sincere and honest about their needs. Our members make home visits to verify that a need truly exists. We then meet in committee to decide how we can help, and then we take action. We work for those within our parish boundaries. If a client calls from outside our boundaries, we refer them to the SVDP conference where they live. SVDP truly helps all those in our local communities with the help of other National, State, and local organizations to improve the lives of those in need as our Lord, Jesus Christ asked us to do.